
Monday, July 5, 2010

Sharing the Love!

So as you know I like to share (yup, my mama taught me to always play nice!) I love these new ‘Link Parties’ I’m seeing pop up all over on blogs and I thought, hang on, this is a brilliant way to show off everyone’s cute Blog link buttons! So why not add yours!

You’ll find it under my header -  Link♥Exchange

I didn’t stop there ….. my next challenge is to make a collection of free patterns and tutorials for children’s toys. So if you have one, why not add a photo link! If you know some friends on your blog list that have some, please send them my way. Look up under the header for where to drop them off!

These linkie things are so easy and fast, no need to sign up etc anyone can do it and the best thing of all is ...... it links straight back to your site!


Horay! Sharing makes Baba & Mama happy!