
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Creative Space: Paper Dolly gets some Color!

After all the handdrawing last week I have been busy coloring my Paper Doll this week in Photoshop. I’ve finally finished the laborious task of shading (but boy does it make all the difference!), now I just need to add the highlights, pick a font and print her out for a test run!! Can’t wait! So busy busy!

Here’s her princess outfit and her winter coat ……

Fingers X-ed i get her done by the end of the week!

As some of you might know I am obsessing over Etsy Treasury section and woke at 5 this morning to compile this fabulous collection of goodies …..  there are so many amazing artists out there!

To see all 16 pick just click the link :) Monet’s Lily Pond

and then last night I had to make this one ….

Ok I am seriously obsessed and must stop or I’ll never get my paper dolly finished!!!!! hahahaha

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Why not pop over to Kootoyoo to see other creative spaces :)