
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Quick Cupcake Cardigan Appliqué

I am all for revamping something I already have. And when it comes to clothes for my little girl what better way to make all that pink just a little bit more interesting! And let’s face it, who doesn’t like ice creams and cup cakes??!!!!!

So I sketched and then cut out my appliqué (I used felt and fleece as they don’t fray but as long as you use interfacing on the back you can use pretty much any of your scrap fabric up). (2) Think very simple geometric shapes for the cone and cup, with 2 clouds on top (icing) and then two circles (cherries) on top of that!

I used sharpie pens and after 5 washes they haven’t faded, but if in doubt use a fabric marker pen they are cheap and work wonderfully I just couldn’t find mine at the time (Typical!!!!).

Interface and iron (or just pin and sew). I like using contrasting colored thread and as my icing was white it made it pop! And that’s it you’re done! A quick custom cupcake cardigan for your little one!

Cupcake ice cream Appliqué Template

I just free styled my Appliqués so I don’t have the originals, however, please feel free to download this free ice cream and cupcake Template i quickly drew up for you all from my flicker account, simply click the photo above and it will take you over there.

 Happy Sewing from Sarah