
Monday, February 21, 2011

She Sews Cute: Baby Sling

Patricia (USA) sent me this lovely photo of herself in her new sling! Yup, she used my free tutorial and not only made herself (and baba no.2) a wonderful new sling one Saturday afternoon, but a vegetarian cake and frosting from scratch! Wow, I wish I could bake ......

“I kind of guessed at the hip to shoulder ratio as my belly is a bit expansive these days. I hope once I have Wee Too, the sling hangs a bit lower, closer to my hip.”

You’ll be carrying your new baba in the front on your tummy Patricia, so you won’t want the sling too low as baba will slip down too much. As I say in my tutorial, making it bigger is better, as you can always add a seem and decrease your fabric, but adding fabric is a real pain (I know, I made that mistake in one of my prototypes!)

Do let us know how you get on with Wee too :) Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!

Luckily I have 2 from last time so I won’t have to be making a new one for my little chap this time around!

Take Care and Happy Crafting!