
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wedding Bells and Birthday Bliss!

Being on bed rest since the end of Feb I have been itching to leave the house for something other than a Doctor’s visit, so I was tickled pink when my hubby, took me to a beautiful outdoor patio restaurant for our 9th Wedding Anniversary. The sun was shining, a light breeze was in the air and I was with my best friend, ahhh perfect!

First we dropped in for a scan to check on baby no.2’s size (I’m 33 weeks now!), and although I’m measuring 2.5 weeks ahead, he’s as happy as a clam in there, and we got to see his cute little face …..

Then off to lunch! There I was propped up with a cushion behind my back (I managed to put it out the night before simply trying to lift up my little girl for a cuddle!) and my feet up on another chair in front of me, horsing down smoked salmon and homemade quiche …. Yum …… not exactly the picture of a lady, huh!!!

The food was divine, and the company magical. But there was one more surprise ……. Oh boy do I feel spoilt!! My lovely supportive hubby, knowing I would never part with my old sewing machine his grandmother had given to me, even though I have had it fixed 4 times just this last year ….. brought me the most amazing new Viking Sewing Machine!!!! (Squeals with delight!)

She’s beautiful, I haven’t had a moment alone with her yet, but I assure you, by the end of the day, my new pattern will be stitched up with her!!! Hooray! All my prototypes were done on my old machine so I’m excited to see how smoothly she’ll handle it …..

How was everyone’s Easter? Mine was fab!! My little girl had so much fun finding eggs and of course her bunny! We celebrated her 2nd birthday that day too, fun was had by all …….. and she got to taste her first cake thanks to her wonderful Godmother who found an eggless receipt!!! (my poor baba has an awful egg allergy) As you can see she LOVED IT!!!!!

And she loved her new Babushka dolly from Mummy and Daddy, yay!!!

Since then, well I have been finishing off my new doll pattern prototypes. Apologies for not having it ready today, but I’m hoping that you’ll get to see them here very soon, hooray!

Wow, what an essay I have written!

Well take care everyone, hope you all had a wonderful Easter week/weekend!

Take Care and Happy Sewing!