
Friday, May 15, 2015

ITH Mermaid Pattern is Here!

ITH Mermaid Pattern

Meet my In The Hoop Marvelous Mermaid Embroidery Pattern! Oh they are just so cute and much easier than you think to make! It comes in 4 hoop sizes and makes the sweetest sea dwelling friends for your little ones! Plus they are oh so Quick and Easy! You will surprise yourself!

ITH Mermaid Pattern

99% ITH with Only 3 Hoopings! And her back is as cute as her front! 
Finished doll sizes 5x7 are 9”, 6x10 are 13", 7x12 are 15.5” and 8x12 are 16” without pony tails included, thus using almost the entire hoop! Wow!

ITH Mermaid Pattern

Find my ITH Mermaids HERE!

   Happy Sewing from Sarah